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Date Created1990-02-26
DescriptionIn the third of 8 clips with second grade students, researcher Amy Martino interviews Stephanie about how she and her group, which included Jeff and Brian, had approached the candy hearts problems in...
Date Created1990-02-26
DescriptionIn the second of 8 clips with second grade students, researcher Amy Martino interviews Jeff about how he and his group, which had included Stephanie and Brian, approached the candy heart problems in...
Date Created2000
DescriptionThis edited video from the Private Universe Project in Mathematics focuses on three children, first in second grade and then in third, exploring two problems, the first that involves making outfits...
Date Created1989-10-23
DescriptionThe first of 8 clips with second grade students focuses on a classroom session where the children are working in small groups to solve a task involving volume. Researcher Amy Martino asks the...
Date Created1990-05-30
DescriptionThe sixth of 8 clips with second grade students focuses on Dana, Michael and Stephanie, one of several small groups within a whole-class session working on the lollipop problem. Researcher Amy Martino...
Date Created1990-05-30
DescriptionIn the seventh of 8 clips with second grade students, Dana, Michael and Stephanie, one of several small groups within a whole-class session, continue their work on the lollipop problem. (See Clip 6 of...
Date Created1990-05-01
DescriptionThe fourth of 8 clips with second grade students focuses on Michael and Stephanie, one of several small groups within a whole-class session to solve the spring egg problem. The carton of plastic eggs...
Date Created1990-05-30
DescriptionIn the last of 8 clips of second grade students, Dana, Michael and Stephanie, one of several small groups within a whole-class session, construct solutions for the Shirts and Pants problem. Stephanie...
Date Created1990-05-01
DescriptionIn the fifth of 8 clips with second grade students, researcher Amy Martino interviews Stephanie about her solution to the spring egg problem that she had done in class with Michael. (See Clip 4 of...
Date Created1989-03-21
DescriptionIn the last of three clips in a first grade classroom, Jeff, Milin and Jamie begin by reading problem 4. Jeff, without referring to the stones or cubes, immediately states that Grandpa would have six...