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DescriptionIn the first of seven clips from an after-school enrichment session in an urban middle school, two 7th grade boys, Ariel and James, are exploring ideas about functions. Researcher John Francisco...
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DescriptionIn the final clip of the series of seven from an after-school enrichment session in an urban middle school, Ariel, a 7th grade boy, revisits his method for solving a specific example of the Ladder...
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DescriptionIn the sixth of seven clips from an after-school enrichment session in an urban middle school, Ariel, a 7th grade boy, continues to apply his method for solving specific examples of the Ladder...
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Date Created2005-12-15
DescriptionIn the third of six clips from an after-school enrichment session in an urban middle school, Ariel, a 7th grade boy completing a unit about linear functions, continues his work on the Museum problem. ...
Analytic icon 2 Analytics found
DescriptionIn the second of seven clips from an after-school enrichment session in an urban middle school, two 7th grade boys, Ariel and James, are exploring ideas about linear functions. In responding to...
Analytic icon 2 Analytics found
DescriptionIn the third of seven clips from an after-school enrichment session in an urban middle school, two 7th grade boys, Ariel and James, are exploring ideas about linear functions. When Ariel explains his...
Date Created2005-11-03
DescriptionThe seventh of eight clips in Series One of Exploring Linear Functions occurs during the students' second day exploring Guess My Rule problems. Researcher Allison McCulloch asks Ariel to prepare a...
Date Created2005-11-02
DescriptionIn the fifth of five clips in Series Two of Exploring Linear Functions, Dawud is first asked about problem one by researcher Keith Weber. Dawud's response focuses on the differences in the X value...
Date Created2005-11-03
DescriptionIn the third of six clips in Series 4 of Exploring Linear Functions, Ariel, a 7th grade students in an after-school enrichment program, explains the patterns that he has recognized in the table for...
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Date Created2005-12-15
DescriptionIn the second of six clips from an after-school enrichment session in an urban middle school, Ariel, a 7th grade boy completing a unit about linear functions, continues his work on the Museum problem....