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DescriptionResearcher Carolyn Maher began the session in clip 1 by stating that the class was discussing rulers at the end of the prior session. The researcher pointed out that rulers may be constructed...
DescriptionIn the second clip of this classroom session, researcher Carolyn Maher reminded the students about the “Candy Bar” problem that they had discussed in an earlier session. She showed the students a...
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DescriptionIn the fifth and final clip from this session, researcher Carolyn Maher asked Jessica to re-explain her original model. Jessica restated her argument, saying that the model showed that one half was...
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DescriptionIn clip 5, researcher Carolyn Maher then asked the students to compare one half and one quarter and determine the difference between the two. The students worked in their groups to build models that...
DescriptionResearcher Carolyn Maher then asked the students to share their solutions as a class and Graham and Michael responded. Graham said the orange and the red would be called one and the dark greens would...
Date Created1993
DescriptionIn this clip, researcher Amy Martino leads a class discussion that centers on the task: If I call the orange rod one, what number name would I give two whites? Some students suggest the number name...
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DescriptionDuring this clip, the students discuss a task that had been posed by Erik: If I call the blue rod one, what rod will I call one half? A lively discussion centering on the definition of one half...
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DescriptionIn this clip at the start of the session, researcher Carolyn Maher placed an overhead on the projector and asked the students to read the problem that was written. She then asked what they remembered...
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Date Created1993
DescriptionResearcher Amy Martino asked the students to assign a number name to the white rod when the orange rod was called ten. After discussing the problem with their partners, the students joined in a whole...
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DescriptionResearcher Amy Martino led a whole class discussion that focused on solutions to the task: I'm going to call the orange and light green together one…Can you find a rod that has the number name one...