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Date Created1993-10-01
DescriptionThis video comes from a 6th grade class session in which the researcher, Robert B. Davis, introduces algebraic equations with two variables, using a square “box” and a “triangle” as symbols to...
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DescriptionIn this short clip, James explains to Robert B. Davis his solution to the problem: Which is larger, one fourth or one ninth, and by how much? After some questioning, he explains that the train (i.e.,...
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Date Created2019-05-27
DescriptionThis is a raw footage video. On February 26, 1993 fifth graders, Stephanie, Michelle, Milin and their classmates, worked on the Guess My Tower task in a class session, about a year after the “Gang...
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DescriptionIn clip 5, researcher Carolyn Maher then asked the students to compare one half and one quarter and determine the difference between the two. The students worked in their groups to build models that...
DescriptionIn this 8 minutes whole class discussion about early algebra ideas (specifically with regards to integers), Researcher Robert B. Davis models adding positive and negative integers to a class of...
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DescriptionIn the third clip Alan presented another model to show the difference between one half and one third. He built a model using one dark green rod, two light green rods, three red rods, and six white...
DescriptionIn clip 4, researcher Carolyn Maher asked the class to determine the number name for the white rod in the first model that had been built, in which the orange and red train was called one. James,...
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Date Created1993-10-29
DescriptionThis video comes from The Private Universe Project in Mathematics and includes excerpts from interviews as well as narrative voice-over, interspersed with footage of students engaged with problem...
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DescriptionIn the sixteenth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, the students are looking for...
DescriptionIn the seventeenth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, several of the students...