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DescriptionIn the tenth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, the researcher Robert B. Davis asks...
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DescriptionThe fourth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables begins the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students. Researcher Robert B. Davis opens...
DescriptionIn the sixth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, the students work together to find...
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DescriptionIn the eighth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, individual students and pairs of...
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DescriptionIn the ninth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, the students note that the Truth...
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DescriptionIn the eleventh of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, several of the students share...
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DescriptionIn the fourteenth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, a number of the students...
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DescriptionIn the twelfth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, researcher, Robert B. Davis notes...
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DescriptionIn the thirteenth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, the researcher, Robert B....
DescriptionIn the fifteenth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, the researcher, Robert B. Davis,...