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DescriptionIn the fourth of five clips from a single class session, we see two students, Jessica and Andrew, placing unit fractions, ranging from 1/10 to 1/2, on a number line segment with endpoints labelled 0...
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DescriptionIn this clip from 4th grade classroom study, students discuss the placement of numbers between zero and one on a number line. A debate ensues as to how many numbers exist between zero and one. Andrew...
DescriptionIn the second clip researcher Carolyn Maher stated that the class would be studying pieces of the number line. She referred to the homework from the prior session and stated that the class was...
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DescriptionIn the last of five clips from a single class session, the researcher reviews with the students how to place whole numbers on a number line. The students are then asked to decide about the placement...
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Date Created1993
DescriptionThis is the fourth in a series of four clips from this session. The researcher, Carolyn Maher, invites the students to take turns placing a number that they have been thinking of onto the big number...
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Date Created1993
DescriptionThis is the first in a series of four clips from this session, which begins with the researcher, Carolyn Maher, placing a transparency with Meredith's number line models on the overhead projector. ...
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Date Created1993
DescriptionThis is the third in a series of four clips from this session. The researcher, Carolyn Maher, asks the students where they would place the number “one” on the number line that Alan had made. The...
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Date Created1993
DescriptionThis is the second in a series of four clips from this session. The students discuss Meredith’s placement of fractions on a number line. Erik conjectures that a person would be confused with all...
Analytic icon 4 Analytics found
DescriptionIn a whole-class discussion in the third of five clips from a single session, students are asked to compare and order 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5. David shares his solution that is based on building models...
DescriptionResearcher Carolyn Maher began the session in clip 1 by stating that the class was discussing rulers at the end of the prior session. The researcher pointed out that rulers may be constructed...