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DescriptionThis clip is the first of six featuring four grade 11 students, Robert, Stephanie, Shelly, and Amy Lynn, as they construct and justify solutions to the Pizza Problem. This clip focuses on Stephanie...
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DescriptionThis one-on-one interview between Researcher Carolyn Maher and Stephanie is a 48-minute discussion that occurred in the 4th grade on the day after Stephanie and her partner, Dana, worked in their...
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Date Created2014-04-27
DescriptionIn this problem solving session two students, Brandon and Colin, are working to solve the pizza problem when selecting from four toppings [problem statement is below]. Brandon and Colin both organize...
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Date Created1992-02-07
DescriptionThis interview with researcher Alston and Milin, with the presence of teacher Mrs. Barnes, occurred on February 7, 1992, the following day of the classroom work with Michael on the five-tall Tower...
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Date Created2014-03-15
DescriptionAt an after-school session in the middle of their junior year, Ankur, Brian, Jeff, Michael, and Romina were introduced to the World Series problem [the problem statement is below]. The students...
Date Created2014-03-15
DescriptionA week after the first time they worked with the World Series problem, Ankur, Jeff, Michael, and Romina met a second time to work on the World Series problem. Brian was not available for this session....
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Date Created2014-03-15
DescriptionA week after the first time they worked with the World Series problem, Ankur, Jeff, Michael, and Romina met a second time to work on the World Series problem. Brian was not available for this session....
Date Created1990-10-11
DescriptionThis is the fourth clip in a series of seven of building towers four tall problem using red and blue unifix towers. The researcher tells them to write on a paper the towers they had created. She tells...
Date Created1990-10-11
DescriptionThis is the third clip in a series of seven of building towers four tall problem using red and blue unifix towers. They tell the researcher that they have a total of seventeen towers. However, Brian...
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Date Created1993-02-26
DescriptionIn the 2nd of 5 clips, Stephanie and Matt, two fifth grade students are attempting to find all possible towers four cubes tall when selecting from two colors as the sample space for Question 2 of the...