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Date Created1993-03-01
DescriptionIn this edited video, the first of a set of two clips developed for the Private Universe Project in Mathematics, 12 fifth grade students during two consecutive classroom sessions work in two groups,...
Analytic icon 1 Analytic found
Date Created1998-01-09
DescriptionIn this edited and narrated episode from the Private Universe Project in Mathematics, five tenth-grade students consider two different problems. FIRST PROBLEM STATEMENT: “Choosing from two colors...
Date Created1993-04-02
DescriptionThis second clip in a set of two edited videos developed for the Private Universe Project in Mathematics, focuses on 12 fifth grade students during an extended session work individually and with their...
Analytic icon 2 Analytics found
Date Created2014-04-27
DescriptionIn this task-based interview Brandon, a 10-year-old 4th grade boy, shares his ideas with the researcher, Amy Martino, about two problems that he had solved in earlier class sessions. In the first...
Analytic icon 1 Analytic found
Date Created2014-04-27
DescriptionIn this task-based interview Brandon, a 10-year-old 4th grade boy, shares his ideas with the researcher, Amy Martino, about two problems that he had solved in earlier class sessions. In the first...
Analytic icon 5 Analytics found
Date Created2014-03-15
DescriptionThis was the second session that the Kenilworth students explored probability through dice games in grade 6 This video followed a group of students (Stephanie, Ankur, Brian, Michelle R., and Angela)...
Analytic icon 1 Analytic found
Date Created1998-01-28
DescriptionThis video comes from The Private Universe Project in Mathematics and includes interview with researcher, Regina Kiczek, as well as narrative voice-over, interspersed with footage of students engaged...