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Date Created2014-03-15
DescriptionA week after the first time they worked with the World Series problem, Ankur, Jeff, Michael, and Romina met a second time to work on the World Series problem. Brian was not available for this session....
Date Created2014-03-15
DescriptionA week after the first time they worked with the World Series problem, Ankur, Jeff, Michael, and Romina met a second time to work on the World Series problem. Brian was not available for this session....
Date Created1998-01-28
DescriptionThis video comes from The Private Universe Project in Mathematics and includes interview with researcher, Regina Kiczek, as well as narrative voice-over, interspersed with footage of students engaged...
Date Created2014-03-15
DescriptionAt an after-school session in the middle of their junior year, Ankur, Brian, Jeff, Michael, and Romina were introduced to the World Series problem [the problem statement is below]. The students...