Early algebra ideas about binomial expansion, Stephanie's interview two of seven, Clip 5 of 6: Testing the geometric solution for the square of (a+b) [video]. Retrieved from https://doi.org/doi:10.7282/T3FQ9VKR
TitleEarly algebra ideas about binomial expansion, Stephanie's interview two of seven, Clip 5 of 6: Testing the geometric solution for the square of (a+b)
PublisherNew Brunswick, NJ: Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, , c1996-01-29
DescriptionIn the fifth clip in a series of six from the second of seven interviews in which 8th grade Stephanie explores Early Algebraic Ideas about Binomial Expansion, the researcher, Carolyn Maher asks Stephanie to substitute numbers in order to test the geometric solution that she has developed for the square of (a+b). When substituting 2 for "a" and 3 for "b" give the correct answer, the researcher asks whether this is sufficient to justify her solution. Stephanie tries another pair of numbers that also result in a correct answer, and affirms that she is convinced, partly because of the numbers, but primarily because of the logic of her geometric solution.
The problems as posed to Stephanie:
Test your solution, that the square of the quantity (a+b) is equal to the square of "a" plus 2 times the product of "a" and "b" plus the square of b, by substituting numbers for "a" and "b".
RightsThe video is protected by copyright. It is available for reviewing and use within the Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC) portal. Please contact the Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning (RBDIL) for further information about the use of this video.
Date Captured1996-01-29
Local IdentifierA58A59-ALG-BIEX-CLIP005
Related Publication Type: Related publication Label: Ed.D. dissertation references the video footage that includes Early algebra ideas about binomial expansion, Stephanie's interview two of seven, Clip 5 of 6: Testing the geometric solution for the square of (a+b) Date: 2011 Author: Aboelnaga, Eman Y. (Eman Yousry) (Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey)
Source Title: Early algebra ideas about binomial expansion, Stephanie's interview two of seven (student view), Grade 8, January 29, 1996, raw footage Identifier: A58-19960129-KNWH-SV-INT-GR8-ALG-BIEX-RAW
Source Title: Early algebra ideas about binomial expansion, Stephanie's interview one of seven (work view), Grade 8, January 29, 1996, raw footage Identifier: A59-19951108-KNWH-WV-INT-GR8-ALG-BIEX-RAW