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DescriptionIn the third of eleven clips from the first day of the Early Algebra Ideas 6th grade class sessions, researcher Robert B. Davis builds on the idea about equations with one variable and integers...
DescriptionIn the second of eleven clips from the first day of the Early Algebra Ideas 6th grade class sessions, the researcher, Robert B. Davis, models adding positive and negative integers to a class of 6th...
DescriptionIn the fifth of eleven clips from the first day of the Early Algebra Ideas 6th grade class sessions, the students work together to find the truth set for equation four on the worksheet recorded...
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DescriptionIn the first of eleven clips from the first day of the Early Algebra Ideas sessions, the researcher, Robert B. Davis, introduces ideas about algebraic equations with one variable and truth sets to a...
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DescriptionIn this fifth of six clips, four 11th grade students reconsider Pascal's Triangle as it relates to the Pizza Problem and connect this problem with the Towers Problem. As the students summarize their...
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DescriptionIn the second of 6 clips, the four 11th grade students generate an exhaustive list of pizza options choosing from 4 toppings. They recognize that the 16 choices correspond to the fourth row of...
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DescriptionThis clip is the first of six featuring four grade 11 students, Robert, Stephanie, Shelly, and Amy Lynn, as they construct and justify solutions to the Pizza Problem. This clip focuses on Stephanie...
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DescriptionThe third of 6 clips focuses on the four 11th grade students as they map the numbers of pizza choices to the rows of Pascal’s Triangle and attempt to make sense of the addition rule with the...
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DescriptionIn the eighth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, individual students and pairs of...
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DescriptionIn the ninth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables on the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students, the students note that the Truth...