Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 2 of 7, working on Guess My Rule problems 1-3, Clip 5 of 5: Dawud working on problem 1 [video]. Retrieved from https://doi.org/doi:10.7282/T39021RX
DescriptionIn the fifth of five clips in Series Two of Exploring Linear Functions, Dawud is first asked about problem one by researcher Keith Weber. Dawud's response focuses on the differences in the X value table as one and the differences between successive Y values as 2. When researcher Weber writes the equation Y=X+X+1 on the paper and asks whether it is true, Dawud does not connect this with the values in the table. Researcher Prashant Baldev then guides Dawud to substitute successive values of X from the table into the equation and agree that the result for each case is the corresponding value for Y. However, when researcher Baldev extends the X values of the table to ten and asks Dawud to fill in the corresponding values for Y, Dawud complies by successive addtions of two. He agrees that the values also work when substituted into the equation but offers no response at the conclusion of the clip when researcher Baldev asks him to find the Y value that would correspond to X=100.
Guess My Rule Problem 1.
X____ Y_
0 1
1 3
2 5
3 7
4 9
5 11
Related Publication Type: Related publication Label: Ed.D. dissertation references the video footage that includes Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 2 of 7, working on Guess My Rule problems 1-3, Clip 5 of 5: Dawud working on problem 1 Date: 2009 Author: Baldev, Prashant V. (Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey)
Name: Urban, seventh-grade students building early algegra ideas in an informal after school program Reference: QA.B175 2009
Source Title: B26, Early algebra, investigating linear functions, Guess My Rule introduction (student view), Grade 7, November 2, 2005, raw footage. Identifier: B27-20051102-PFLD-SV-IFML-GR7-ALG-VAR-RAW