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DescriptionThis raw footage, full-session video, focuses on the overhead for the first 39 minutes and then on the class as they are working on the problems. Dr. Davis introduces Gunnar Gjone as a visiting...
DescriptionIn this raw footage video that ends midway in the session, Dr. Davis introduces Gunnar Gjone as a visiting mathematics educator from Norway. The researcher, Carolyn Maher, begins the session by asking...
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DescriptionIn this raw footage, full-session video, Dr. Davis first introduces Gunnar Gjone as a visiting mathematics educator from Norway. The researcher, Carolyn Maher, begins the session by asking the...
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DescriptionAmy Martino began the session by asking the students to discuss the task that they had worked on during the previous two sessions: Which is larger, two thirds or three fourths, and by how much?...
Date Created1993-10-07
DescriptionResearcher Maher began the session by discussing the ideas that the students had worked on during the previous session. Then, the students worked in groups and revisited the task: Which is larger, one...
Date Created2014-02-07
DescriptionThe session began with a whole class discussion about the problems that the students had worked on the day before. Afterwards, the students worked with their partners on two series of tasks. These...
Date Created1993-10-07
DescriptionResearcher Maher began the session by discussing the ideas that the students had worked on during the previous session. Then, the students worked in groups and revisited the task: Which is larger, one...
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Date Created1993-10-07
DescriptionResearcher Maher began the session by discussing the ideas that the students had worked on during the previous session. Then, the students worked in groups and revisited the task: Which is larger, one...
Analytic icon 3 Analytics found
Date Created1993
DescriptionThis is the fourth in a series of four clips from this session. The researcher, Carolyn Maher, invites the students to take turns placing a number that they have been thinking of onto the big number...
DescriptionIn the first clip from this session, researcher Carolyn Maher reminded the students that they had compared the fractional numbers one half and one third. For homework they had written about their...