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Early algebra ideas about binomial expansion, Stephanie's interview two of seven, Clip 1 of 6: Is the square of the quantity (a+b) the same as (a squared) + (b squared)? [video]. Retrieved from
TitleEarly algebra ideas about binomial expansion, Stephanie's interview two of seven, Clip 1 of 6: Is the square of the quantity (a+b) the same as (a squared) + (b squared)?
PublisherNew Brunswick, NJ: Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, , c1996-01-29
DescriptionIn the first clip in a series of six from the second of seven interviews in which 8th grade Stephanie explores Early Algebraic Ideas about Binomial Expansion, the researcher, Carolyn A. Maher, asks Stephanie to explain the meaning of the square of the quantity (a + b). When Stephanie responds that this is equivalent to the square of a added to the square of b, the researcher suggests that she test her conjecture with numbers. When the substitutions result in a contradiction, Stephanie is convinced that her conjecture is not true and records on her paper that the square of the quantity (a + b) has to be (a+b)(a+b), or the product of two factors of the quantity (a+b).
The problem as presented to Stephanie:
What is the meaning of the square of the quantity (a+b)?
RightsThe video is protected by copyright. It is available for reviewing and use within the Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC) portal. Please contact the Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning (RBDIL) for further information about the use of this video.
Date Captured1996-01-29
Local IdentifierA58A59-ALG-BIEX-CLIP001
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