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Date Created1990-10-11
DescriptionHaving worked in the previous two clips of this series to create towers three cubes high selecting from two colors, researcher Alice Alston facilitates a group discussion about the students’...
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Date Created1990-10-11
DescriptionDuring this session, the students begin by working on the following problem: “Stephen has a white shirt, a blue shirt and a yellow shirt. He has a pair of blue jeans and a pair of white jeans. How...
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Date Created1990-10-11
DescriptionIn this clip, researcher Amy Martino asks Dana and Stephanie to work on an extension to the shirts and pants problem: How many outfits can Stephen make if he has an additional pair of black jeans?...
Date Created1990-10-11
DescriptionAfter the students have worked on the Towers Problem in the Towers series, researcher Alice Alston facilitates a group sharing session. She begins by asking how many towers the students have found and...
Date Created1989-10-23
DescriptionThe first of 8 clips with second grade students focuses on a classroom session where the children are working in small groups to solve a task involving volume. Researcher Amy Martino asks the...
Date Created1990-10-11
DescriptionIn this clip, Stephanie and Dana continue to work on the Towers Problem, introduced in the first clip in this series. Stephanie tells another group of children to double-check their towers for...
Analytic icon 2 Analytics found
DescriptionIn this clip, researcher Amy Martino introduces the following problem to the students: “How many different towers four blocks tall can you build when selecting from two colors?” Dana and Stephanie...
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Date Created2000
DescriptionThis edited video from the Private Universe Project in Mathematics focuses on three children, first in second grade and then in third, exploring two problems, the first that involves making outfits...
Date Created1990-05-30
DescriptionThe sixth of 8 clips with second grade students focuses on Dana, Michael and Stephanie, one of several small groups within a whole-class session working on the lollipop problem. Researcher Amy Martino...
Date Created1990-05-30
DescriptionIn the seventh of 8 clips with second grade students, Dana, Michael and Stephanie, one of several small groups within a whole-class session, continue their work on the lollipop problem. (See Clip 6 of...