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Date Created2006-02-16
DescriptionThis is a Post-"Interview with Kimberly Morris by Evelyn Hanna about the entire IML project. She was also interviewed before the project began (ROLE001). Kimberly is a math coordinator at Jefferson...
Date Created2003-10-30
DescriptionThis is a pre-interview with Lou Pedrick conducted by Evelyn Hanna about the entire IML project. He was also interviewed after the project ended. Lou taught 6th grade math at Hubbard in Plainfield.
Date Created2004-08-05
DescriptionMiddle school students discuss their ideas after using Probability Explorer to solve several tasks. The ideas allude to early concepts of experimental and theoretical probability. The tasks...
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Date Created1993-02-26
DescriptionIn clip 4 of 5, fifth grade student Matt shares his understanding of Milin’s inductive argument with Robert and Michelle R. who, up to this point, found twelve, four-tall towers. Stephanie...
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Date Created1993-02-26
DescriptionIn the 2nd of 5 clips, Stephanie and Matt, two fifth grade students are attempting to find all possible towers four cubes tall when selecting from two colors as the sample space for Question 2 of the...
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Date Created1993-02-26
DescriptionIn clip three of five, Milin, a fifth grade student, shares his inductive argument for building towers up to 3 cubes tall with researcher Carolyn Maher and his partner, Michelle I. Michelle in turn...
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Date Created1993-02-26
DescriptionIn the first of five clips, Milin and Michelle I, two fifth grade students are attempting to find all possible towers three cubes tall when selecting from two colors as the sample space for Question 1...
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Date Created1993-02-26
DescriptionIn this final clip, an exuberant Stephanie presents her understanding of the “doubling rule” to the group of students ( Matt, Michelle I, Michelle R, Milin and Robert) who assembled around a...
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Date Created2004-05-10
DescriptionThis was the first session that 6th grade students from the Plainfield, NJ district explored probability through dice games in an after-school enrichment program. In this video (video 42b, part 1 of...
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Date Created2004-05-10
DescriptionThis video is a continuation of the first session that 6th grade students from the Plainfield, NJ district explored probability through dice games in an after-school enrichment program. In this video...