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Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 6 of 7, Museum problem, Clip 3 of 6: Finding a rule to give the amount for any number and an inverse rule to find the number [video]. Retrieved from
TitleEarly algebra, investigating linear functions, series 6 of 7, Museum problem, Clip 3 of 6: Finding a rule to give the amount for any number and an inverse rule to find the number
PublisherNew Brunswick, NJ: Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, 2005-12-15, c2005-12-15
DescriptionIn the third of six clips from an after-school enrichment session in an urban middle school, Ariel, a 7th grade boy completing a unit about linear functions, continues his work on the Museum problem. Researcher John Francisco challenges him to provide a general rule as he had done for the Ladder Problem. Ariel responds and then writes out the procedure to multiply the number of craft pieces, X, by 3 and add the two dollar entrance fee to find the amount A. He then spontaneously generates a rule for finding X for a given amount, A. Researchers Prashant Baldev and Alan Hiba are observing.
The worksheet wording for the Museum Problem:
The Museum Problem - Version One
A museum gift shop is having a craft sale. The entrance fee is $2. Once inside, there is
a special discount table where each craft piece costs $3.
How could you represent the total amount that you would spend if you were to buy any number of craft pieces at the discount price?
The question as posed to Ariel:
How could you represent the total amount that you would spend if you were to buy any number of craft pieces?
RightsThe video is protected by copyright. It is available for reviewing and use within the Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC) portal. Please contact the Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning (RBDIL) for further information about the use of this video.
Date Captured2005-12-15
Local IdentifierB19B20-ALG-VAR-CLIP003
Related Publication
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Label: Ed.D. dissertation references the video footage that includes Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 6 of 7, Museum problem, Clip 3 of 6: Finding a rule to give the amount for any number and an inverse rule to find the number
Date: 2009
Author: Baldev, Prashant V. (Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey)
Name: Urban, seventh-grade students building early algegra ideas in an informal after school program
Reference: QA.B175 2009
Title: B19, Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 6 of 7, Museum problem (student view), Grade 7, December 15, 2005, raw footage.
Identifier: B19-20051215-PFLD-SV-IFML-GR7-ALG-VAR-RAW
Title: B20, Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 6 of 7, Museum problem (student view), Grade 7, December 15, 2005, raw footage.
Identifier: B20-20051215-PFLD-SV-IFML-GR7-ALG-VAR-RAW