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Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 3 of 7, graphing and sharing Guess My Rule problems, Clip 4 of 7: Group sharing guess my rule problem 1 [video]. Retrieved from
TitleEarly algebra, investigating linear functions, series 3 of 7, graphing and sharing Guess My Rule problems, Clip 4 of 7: Group sharing guess my rule problem 1
PublisherNew Brunswick, NJ: Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, 2005-11-03, c2005-11-03
DescriptionThe fourth of seven clips in Series 3 of Exploring Linear Functions: Graphing and sharing guess my rule problems, begins as researcher Allison McCulloch asks the group of 7th grade boys in an after-school enrichment class to prepare to share their work for Guess My Rule problem 1. Brandon copies the table from the problem onto a transparency and writes his version of a rule which indicates that the value of X increases by one and the Y value increases by two. Researcher Prashant Baldev asks Brandon to graph the problem and Brandon places each ordered pair onto a coordinate grid that is also on a transparency. When researcher McCulloch calls on the two boys to present their work, Brandon is questioned about where he has placed the point (0,1). Yonny corrects the graph. When the group is asked to comment on the rule as presented by Brandon and Yonny, Ariel suggests that the rule could also have been: "…..Times 2 plus 1".
Guess My Rule Problem 1.
X____ Y_
0 1
1 3
2 5
3 7
4 9
5 11
RightsThe video is protected by copyright. It is available for reviewing and use within the Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC) portal. Please contact the Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning (RBDIL) for further information about the use of this video.
Date Captured2005-11-03
Local IdentifierB28B29-ALG-VAR-CLIP010
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