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Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 1 of 7, Guess My Rule introduction and Ariel and James with problems 1-3, Clip 6 of 8: Finding Y for X = 84 and 1,250 for Guess My Rule problem 3 [video]. Retrieved from
TitleEarly algebra, investigating linear functions, series 1 of 7, Guess My Rule introduction and Ariel and James with problems 1-3, Clip 6 of 8: Finding Y for X = 84 and 1,250 for Guess My Rule problem 3
PublisherNew Brunswick, NJ: Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, 2005-11-02, c2005-11-02
DescriptionIn the sixth of eight clips in Series One of Exploring Linear Functions, researcher Evelyn Hanna asks James and Ariel to figure out the Y value for Guess My Rule problem 3 if the value of X is eighty-four. While James hesitates because his strategy has been recursive, Ariel uses his rule of 3 times X plus 1. Ariel then calculates a Y value for X = 1,250 but expresses concern about his two earlier results for X = 25 that were different. The session concludes with researcher Hanna challenging the boys to create their own Guess My Rule problem.
Problem 3.
0 1
1 4
2 7
3 10
Date Captured2005-11-02
Local IdentifierB22B23-ALG-VAR-CLIP006
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Title: B23, Early algebra, investigating linear functions, Guess My Rule day 1 (teacher view), Grade 7, November 2, 2005, raw footage.
Identifier: B23-20051102-PFLD-SV-IFML-GR7-ALG-VAR-RAW