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Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 3 of 7, graphing and sharing Guess My Rule problems, Clip 3 of 7: Ariel graphing problem 2 [video]. Retrieved from
TitleEarly algebra, investigating linear functions, series 3 of 7, graphing and sharing Guess My Rule problems, Clip 3 of 7: Ariel graphing problem 2
PublisherNew Brunswick, NJ: Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, 2005-11-03, c2005-11-03
DescriptionIn the third of seven clips in Series 3 of Exploring Linear Functions: Graphing and sharing guess my rule problems, researcher Evelyn Hanna asks Ariel, a 7th grade student in an after-school enrichment program, to graph the points for problem 2 on a coordinate grid provided as a separate worksheet. After expressing doubt about how to proceed, Ariel exclaims that he knows what to do and labels positive points numerically on the horizontal and vertical axes. As he considers (0,5), the first point from the table, Ariel questions where to position any points with a first coordinate of zero. He decides that such points should be along a vertical line between the vertical axis and the vertical line through "1" on the horizontal axis and indicates this in responding to questions from researcher Prashant Baldev.When researcher Baldev questions Ariel's point for (0,5), Ariel responds by labeling a second grid along the bottom of the paper directly under the first, locating (0,5) in the corresponding position to the first. Researcher Hanna is questioning James about his rule for problem 2 off camera as Ariel works on the graph.
Guess My Rule Problem 2.
0 5
1 7
2 9
3 11
4 13
RightsThe video is protected by copyright. It is available for reviewing and use within the Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC) portal. Please contact the Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning (RBDIL) for further information about the use of this video.
Date Captured2005-11-03
Local IdentifierB28B29-ALG-VAR-CLIP009
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