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Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 4 of 7, Guess My Rule problems 4 & 5, Clip 4 of 6: Beginning work on Guess My Rule problem 5 [video]. Retrieved from
TitleEarly algebra, investigating linear functions, series 4 of 7, Guess My Rule problems 4 & 5, Clip 4 of 6: Beginning work on Guess My Rule problem 5
PublisherNew Brunswick, NJ: Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, 2005-11-03, c2005-11-03
DescriptionIn the fourth of six clips in Series 4 of Exploring Linear Functions, Ariel, a 7th grade students in an after-school enrichment program, is given Guess my Rule problem 5 to consider. He notices different patterns in the table and explains what he sees to teacher/intern Gilberto Ladino. Ariel first points out that successive values for Y increase by three as the X values increase by one. However, he also sees that for certain values of Y there appears to be a cycle of subtracting two from the value of X, then remaining the same and next, adding two. After Ladino asks him to recount the differences in the value of Y beginning when X is zero, Ariel states that the consistent pattern of differences is his rule and, when asked for the value of Y if X is twenty-two, predicts that Y might be forty-two, mirroring his earlier correct prediction of Y when X is twenty for problem 4. (See Early Algebra: Investigating Linear Functions: Clip 2 of Series 4, for Ariel's work on problem 4 when X is twenty.) However, as he extends the table of values all the way to twenty-two for X, he notes that forty-two is incorrect and should be replaced by fifty-eight.
Guess My Rule Problem 5.
X____ Y_
0 -8
1 -5
2 -2
3 1
4 4
5 7
Date Captured2005-11-03
Local IdentifierB28B29-ALG-VAR-CLIP004
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