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Date Created1993
DescriptionThe students work on the task: If the orange rod is called fifty, what number name would I give the white rod? Sarah and Beth offer an answer immediately, and are questioned by researcher Amy Martino...
Analytic icon 2 Analytics found
DescriptionDanielle and Gregory presented their model to represent the solution to the problem: Which is larger one half or one fourth and by how much. They built a model of an orange and dark green train, two...
Analytic icon 1 Analytic found
DescriptionIn the third clip David, Meredith, Erik, and Alan worked to build models on the floor using rods. David built a model to test his conjecture, while Erik continued working on the thirty-six centimeter...
Analytic icon 1 Analytic found
DescriptionDuring this session, researcher Carolyn Maher provided the students an opportunity to revisit the task that they had been introduced to during the previous session: Which is larger, two thirds or...
Analytic icon 1 Analytic found
Date Created1993
DescriptionResearcher Amy Martino asked the students to assign a number name to the white rod when the orange rod was called ten. After discussing the problem with their partners, the students joined in a whole...
Date Created1993
DescriptionIn this clip, researcher Amy Martino leads a class discussion that centers on the task: If I call the orange rod one, what number name would I give two whites? Some students suggest the number name...
Analytic icon 4 Analytics found
DescriptionIn the fifth and final clip from this session, researcher Carolyn Maher asked Jessica to re-explain her original model. Jessica restated her argument, saying that the model showed that one half was...
Date Created1993-10-11
DescriptionDuring this session, conducted as a whole class discussion, Researcher Maher revisited the problem that the students had worked on during the previous three sessions: Which is larger, two thirds or...
Date Created1993-10-11
DescriptionDuring this session, conducted as a whole class discussion, Researcher Maher revisited the problem that the students had worked on during the previous three sessions: Which is larger, two thirds or...
Date Created1993-10-11
DescriptionDuring this session, conducted as a whole class discussion, Researcher Maher revisited the problem that the students had worked on during the previous three sessions: Which is larger, two thirds or...