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Date Created1990-10-11
DescriptionAfter the students have worked on the Towers Problem in the Towers series, researcher Alice Alston facilitates a group sharing session. She begins by asking how many towers the students have found and...
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DescriptionIn the second of five clips, the four twelfth grade students employ various strategies to determine the number of shortest paths to the remaining two points, B and C, on the problem grid. Various...
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DescriptionThis is the fifth of seven clips from the night session. The students (Ankur, Jeff, Michael, and Romina) have been discussing Pascal’s Triangle. The researcher rewrites row 3 of Pascal’s...
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DescriptionThis is the sixth of seven clips from the night session. After Jeff draws Pascal’s Triangle in what the students call “choose” notation, the researcher asks the students to express an instance...
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DescriptionThis is the second of seven clips from the night session. In it, Jeff, Michael, and Romina, along with Ankur (who has just arrived), use the analogy they call “people on a line” to investigate...
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DescriptionThe fourth of 18 clips from Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables begins the second of two consecutive classroom sessions with the class of 6th grade students. Researcher Robert B. Davis opens...
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DescriptionThis first of 18 clips focusing on Early Algebra Ideas Involving Two Variables occurred toward the end of the first of two consecutive 6th grade class sessions. Researcher, Robert B. Davis, builds on...
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Date Created1993-03-01
DescriptionIn this edited video, the first of a set of two clips developed for the Private Universe Project in Mathematics, 12 fifth grade students during two consecutive classroom sessions work in two groups,...
Date Created1993-04-02
DescriptionThis second clip in a set of two edited videos developed for the Private Universe Project in Mathematics, focuses on 12 fifth grade students during an extended session work individually and with their...
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DescriptionIn the sixth of eleven clips from the first day of the Early Algebra Ideas 6th grade class sessions, the researcher, Robert B. Davis, challenges students to try to find more than one value for each of...