DescriptionThe first of 8 clips with second grade students focuses on a classroom session where the children are working in small groups to solve a task involving volume. Researcher Amy Martino asks the students to work with their group partners to figure out the number of small (centimeter) cubes that would be needed to build a larger cube that measured 4c by 4c by 4c. A large number of the small cubes, several of the large cubes, and several Base-four "flats" (4c by 4c by 1c) were available on the table for each group. Each of the focus group of children, Stephanie, Dana, Michael and Daniel, began by exploring the different blocks, trying to figure out a way to find the requisite number of small cubes. As they discussed what they were doing, Stephanie pointed out to Dana and the others that they had to figure the number of little cubes in the middle of the large cube and could not simply count the cubes on the outside of the block. When Michael first suggested using the "flat" as a more efficient way of counting than the small cubes, stating that there would be four rows, Stephanie said that they had to use the little blocks. Both she and Michael used the centimeter cubes for their solution. Midway, Dana holds up a "flat" and announces that it could be used to represent 16 small cubes. She checks with the researcher and builds her large block from four "flats". All four of the children successfully count 64 small cubes, either individually or by counting the delineated squares on the "flats".
Block Problem Statement
How many of the small blocks will we need to make one big block?
Make a drawing to show how you found your answer.