Word problems with addition and subtraction, Jeff's group, Clip 1 of 3: Introduction and problem 1, how many more legos does David have than John? [video]. Retrieved from https://doi.org/doi:10.7282/T3X0650T
TitleWord problems with addition and subtraction, Jeff's group, Clip 1 of 3: Introduction and problem 1, how many more legos does David have than John?
PublisherNew Brunswick, NJ: Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, 1989-03-21, c1989-03-21
DescriptionIn the first of three clips in a first grade classroom, teacher Angela Marinaro introduces the day's activity and distributes a packet of problems to each child. She first asks the students to identify the materials that they have on their tables. After the children show Ms. Marinaro their Unifix cubes and stones, she directs each group to read and solve problem 1. Jeff reads the problem at his table and the three children immediately model the two numbers. The two boys assert that the answer is nine, while Jamie contends that David has eight more legos than Paul. As the children recount and still insist on their two different answers, Ms. Marinaro joins the group. She listens to their solutions and askes them to compare their models. When there is still disagreement, she asks Jamie to explain the model that she has constructed from stones. After a first count of eight, the teacher asks Jamie to align the two sets of stones, first counting off pairs to match Paul's five legos with the first five of David, and then carefully counting the remainder. Jamie does this and agrees that there are nine.
Statement of problem one:
David has 14 lego blocks. Paul has 5 lego blocks. How many more lego blocks does David have than Paul?