DescriptionIn this clip, researcher Amy Martino introduces the following problem to the students: “How many different towers four blocks tall can you build when selecting from two colors?” Dana and Stephanie have bags of Unifix cubes at their desks and begin working on the problem by building towers independently. They run out of Unifix cubes, and after Amy encourages them to work together, they work on a solution together by comparing each of Dana’s towers to each of Stephanie’s, eliminating the duplicates.
Related Publication Type: Related publication Label: Ed.D. dissertation references the video footage that includes Towers with Stephanie and Dana, Clip 1 of 5: Introducing and working on the problem Date: 1992 Author: Martino, Amy Marie (Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey)
Name: Elementary students' construction of mathematical knowledge : analysis by profile Reference: QA.M386 1992
Source Title: B50, Towers with Stephanie and Dana (student view), Grade 3, October 11, 1990, raw footage. Identifier: B50-19901011-KNWH-SV-CLASS-GR3-CMB-T4T-RAW