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Reviewing rod relationships and the candy bar problem, Clip 2 of 6: What is the number name for red when the yellow and light green rod is two? Brian and Jacquelyn [video]. Retrieved from
TitleReviewing rod relationships and the candy bar problem, Clip 2 of 6: What is the number name for red when the yellow and light green rod is two? Brian and Jacquelyn
PublisherNew Brunswick, NJ: Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, , c1993-09-24
DescriptionIn the second clip from this classroom session, researcher Carolyn Maher posed a challenge. She asked the students to name the red rod if a train of yellow and light green was called two. The researcher then added a second task to name the red rod if the yellow and light green train would be called one. Jacquelyn and Brian C. worked together on this task. Jacquelyn built two identical models to represent the problems, while Brian built only one model. She told Brian that if the yellow and light green train was one, the red rod would be one fourth, and if the train was two, the red rod would be one half.
Date Captured1993-09-24
Local IdentifierA77A78A79-FRC-CMPRF-CLIP002
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