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DescriptionIn the second of 6 clips, the four 11th grade students generate an exhaustive list of pizza options choosing from 4 toppings. They recognize that the 16 choices correspond to the fourth row of...
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DescriptionThe third of 6 clips focuses on the four 11th grade students as they map the numbers of pizza choices to the rows of Pascal’s Triangle and attempt to make sense of the addition rule with the...
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DescriptionThis one-on-one interview between Researcher Carolyn Maher and Stephanie is a 48-minute discussion that occurred in the 4th grade on the day after Stephanie and her partner, Dana, worked in their...
DescriptionIn the third clip in a series of seven from the seventh of seven interviews, 8th grader Stephanie continues to investigate the construction of Unifix towers four-cubes tall, selecting from red and...
DescriptionIn the fifth clip in a series of seven from the seventh of seven interviews, 8th grader Stephanie and researcher Carolyn Maher extend their earlier investigation of how to represent the number of...
DescriptionIn the fourth clip in a series of seven from the seventh of seven interviews, 8th grader Stephanie and researcher Carolyn Maher investigate how to numerically represent the number of Unifix towers for...
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DescriptionThis clip is the first of six featuring four grade 11 students, Robert, Stephanie, Shelly, and Amy Lynn, as they construct and justify solutions to the Pizza Problem. This clip focuses on Stephanie...
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Date Created1993-02-26
DescriptionIn the first of five clips, Milin and Michelle I, two fifth grade students are attempting to find all possible towers three cubes tall when selecting from two colors as the sample space for Question 1...
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Date Created1993-04-05
DescriptionThis video comes from The Private Universe Project in Mathematics and includes interview with researcher, Carolyn Maher, as well as narrative voice-over, interspersed with footage of a task-based...
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DescriptionThis raw footage consists of three separate interviews in one video. The first with Stephanie, the second with Michelle, and the third with Milin. The interview with Stephanie and Researcher Maher was...