DescriptionThis video comes from The Private Universe Project in Mathematics and includes interview with researcher, Regina Kiczek, as well as narrative voice-over, interspersed with footage of students engaged with problem solving. The problem asks: In the World Series, assuming two teams are equally matched, and the first team that wins four games wins the series, what is the probability that the World Series will be won in four, in five, in six, and in seven games? The students spend about an hour working on this task. Ankur, Brian, Jeff and Romina work together to find the possible outcomes of each game as a case. Michael works mostly by himself. Then they use the chalkboard to share their approaches and discuss to convince one another of solutions. After Jeff shares what they found using the strategy of cases, Michael calls their attention to a relationship between the number of outcomes for each game and entries in the diagonal of Pascal’s Triangle. Although Michael recognizes the pattern, the students are not yet sure what it means. However, the discovery will become a catalyst for these students to revisit and extend their ideas in subsequent problem-solving sessions.
Related Publication Type: Related publication Label: Workshops (web-based) utilize the video PUP Math: Shirts and pants. Publisher: Annenberg Learner Creator: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Name: Private Universe Project in Mathematics Workshops Reference:
Related Publication Type: Related publication Label: Ed.D. dissertation references the video footage that includes PUP Math World series Date: 2000 Author: Kiczek, Regina Dockweiler (Rutgers Graduate School of Education)
Name: Tracing the development of probabilistic thinking : profiles from a longitudinal study