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Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 2 of 7, working on Guess My Rule problems 1-3, Clip 3 of 5: Yonny and Brandon working on problem 3 [video]. Retrieved from
TitleEarly algebra, investigating linear functions, series 2 of 7, working on Guess My Rule problems 1-3, Clip 3 of 5: Yonny and Brandon working on problem 3
PublisherNew Brunswick, NJ: Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, 2005-11-02, c2005-11-02
DescriptionIn the third of five clips in Series Two of Exploring Linear Functions, researcher Arthur Powell asks 7th graders,Yonny and Brandon, to continue their Guess My Rule exploration with problem 3. Noticing that the pattern of differences for the Y value is three, the boys quickly articulate the pattern as their rule and determine values up to ten. When asked to find the value of Y when X is twenty, Brandon predicts that Y will be fifty-one based on his strategy from problem 2 of doubling ten and adding thirty-one for the Y value of ten. Yonny disagrees, predicting that the value would be sixty-one. When asked to explain why, Yonny notes that the differences for Y are increasing by three so the value of ten should be tripled before adding the thirty-one. Researcher Powell asks the boys to complete the table for twenty in order to decide. They do this and find that Yonny's prediction was correct. Researcher Powell concludes the day's session. Teacher Alan Hiba is observing.
Guess My Rule Problem 3.
0 1
1 4
2 7
3 10
Date Captured2005-11-02
Local IdentifierB26-ALG-VAR-CLIP003
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Identifier: B26-20051102-PFLD-SV-IFML-GR7-ALG-VAR-RAW