Night Session, Pascal’s Identity, Clip 7 of 7: Generating and generalizing Pascal’s Identity [video]. Retrieved from
DescriptionThis is the last of seven clips from the night session. The students (Ankur, Jeff, Michael, and Romina) explain to Brian, a late-comer, the meaning of Pascal’s Identity (the addition rule for Pascal’s Triangle) in terms of operations on the pizzas that are represented by specific entries in Pascal’s Triangle. They write Pascal’s Identity in general form using standard notation.
Note: The n-topping pizza problem is: How many pizzas can be made when there are n different pizza toppings to choose from? The r-th number in the n-th row of Pascal’s Triangle gives the number of pizzas that have exactly r toppings when there are n toppings to choose from.
RightsThe video is protected by copyright. It is available for reviewing and use within the Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC) portal. Please contact the Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning (RBDIL) for further information about the use of this video.
Date Captured1999-05-12
Local IdentifierA28-CMB-TW10T-CLIP007
Related Publication Type: Dissertation Label: Ed.D. dissertation references the video footage that includes Night session, Pascal's Identity, clip 7 of 7 Detail: Dissertation available in digital and paper formats in the Rutgers University Libraries dissertation collection. Author: Uptegrove, Elizabeth B. (Rutgers Graduate School of Education)
Name: To symbols from meaning: students' investigations in counting.
Source Title: A28, Night session, Pascal's identity, grade 11, May 12, 1999, raw footage Identifier: A28-19990512-KNWH-PV-CLASS-GR11-CMB-TW10T-RAW