Non-routine counting problems, Clip 8 of 8: Shirts and pants with Stephanie, Dana and Michael [video]. Retrieved from
DescriptionIn the last of 8 clips of second grade students, Dana, Michael and Stephanie, one of several small groups within a whole-class session, construct solutions for the Shirts and Pants problem. Stephanie reads the problem aloud to the group, and the each of the children constructs a representation of their "outfits" that includes drawings and symbols. Michael's representation shows three sets of shirts and pants, each piece of clothing used exactly once. He adds a pair of yellow jeans. Each of the girls concludes for different reasons that there are five outfits. They share their recorded solutions with the researcher, Amy Martino, who makes no judgment as to whether or not the solution is correct and simply asks each child to sign his or her paper. Clip One of the third grade series of non-routine counting problems records the children as they revisit this problem.
The Problem Statement:
Stephen has a white shirt, a blue shirt and a yellow shirt. He has a pair of blue jean and a pair of white jeans. How many different outfits can he make?
Source Title: B58, Shirts and Pants with Stephanie, Dana, and Michael, Grade 2, May 30, 1990, raw footage. Identifier: B58-19900530-KNWH-SV-CLASS-GR2-CMB-SAP-RAW