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Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 7 of 7, Ariel's 8th grade interview, Clip 5 of 5: Ariel describing his 8th grade math class [video]. Retrieved from
TitleEarly algebra, investigating linear functions, series 7 of 7, Ariel's 8th grade interview, Clip 5 of 5: Ariel describing his 8th grade math class
PublisherNew Brunswick, NJ: Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, 2007-05-17, c2007-05-17
DescriptionIn the last of five clips from a follow-up interview about his participation in Informal Mathematics Learning (IML), an after-school enrichment program, Ariel, an 8th grade student in an urban middle school, describes his current mathematics class to researcher Cecilia Arias. He notes that his class was primarily dealing with algebra and that the linear equations were similar to the Guess My Rule activities of IML. He adds that the class has also dealt with quadratic and exponential equations, explaining that quadratic equations had an X squared but that exponential equations might have other powers. Ariel then attempted to give examples of the class's current focus, which appeared to be factoring binomials. He finished his description of his school mathematics by giving examples of proportions, saying that this brought to mind several of the activities in IML, including the probability tasks and the work with Cuisenaire rods.
Date Captured2007-05-17
Local IdentifierB21-ALG-VAR-CLIP005
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Title: B21, Early algebra, investigating linear functions, series 7 of 7, Ariel's 8th grade interview (student view), Grade 8, May 17, 2007, raw footage.
Identifier: B21-20070512-PFLD-SV-IFML-GR8-ALG-VAR-RAW