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Reviewing rod relationships and the candy bar problem, Clip 4 of 6: Switching units, candy bar metaphor [video]. Retrieved from
TitleReviewing rod relationships and the candy bar problem, Clip 4 of 6: Switching units, candy bar metaphor
PublisherNew Brunswick, NJ: Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, , c1993-09-24
DescriptionIn the fourth clip from this classroom session, researcher Carolyn Maher led a whole class discussion. She told the class that she gave each of the two adults who were in the room half a chocolate bar each and that one of the adults said that what she had done was unfair. After asking the class what she might have done that was unfair, she showed the class that she gave one adult half of a large chocolate bar, while giving the other, half of a much smaller chocolate bar. The class then discussed how the Candy Bar Problem related to the problems they had been working on. Audra explained to the class that you cannot mix up what is called one. The researcher asked Jackie to show her how much one half of the three by four scored candy bar would be, and Jackie showed that cutting widthwise could divide the bar in half. The researcher asked the class why she hadn’t shown that it could be cut lengthwise in half. Graham replied that there are only three rows, and that four rows would be needed to cut the bar in half. The researcher then asked Gregory how much one third of the candy bar would be. Gregory replied that one row would be one third of the candy bar which would amount to four pieces of chocolate. The researcher then asked the students which was larger, one half or one third of the chocolate bar. Amy replied that one half was larger and everyone agreed. The researcher asked the students to compare one half of the small bar and one third of the larger one, and they agreed that in that case, one third of the larger bar would be more than one half of the smaller bar. The researcher then told the class that this was an unfair thing that shouldn’t be done in mathematics, and that they should establish a rule that a candy bar, or whatever object is being given the number name, one, cannot be switched within a problem.
Student ParticipantsJacquelyn (student), Erik (student), Audra (student), Jackie (student), Graham (student), Gregory (student), Michael (Colts Neck, student), Brian F. (Colts Neck, student), Amy (student), Meredith (student), David (student), Andrew (student), Danielle (student), Caitlin (student)
Date Captured1993-09-24
Local IdentifierA77A78A79-FRC-CMPRF-CLIP004
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